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Hey! How are you doing?

If you’re reading this article, I bet you like reading books, right?

So, today I’m gonna talk about “Wonder” by R.J Palacio.

“Wonder” was written by R.J Palacio, published in Hardcover, and has 316 pages that catch your attention from the beginning to the end. You won’t feel bored. It’s a book for whatever age and gender.

Raquel J. Palacio was, for more than twenty years, an art director and graphic designer. One day she met a child in front of an ice cream store that made it a wonderful opportunity to write her first book.

This book tells the story of a boy, who was born with a facial difference and what he and his family needed to face on a daily basis. They overcome bullying and their problems through kindness.

I really appreciated the approach of this book because it was written from the protagonist’s vision. In other words, some characters share their perception  about August (the Wonder).

For English learners, it’s an excellent choice to read the original version (in English) because the vocabulary is casual and informal. I believe if you are in an intermediate level learner you won’t find difficult to read it.

I highly recommend this book for people who like a story full of emotion, love, dedication, overcoming, friendship, and kindness.

Are you thinking about reading this book? Have you already read it? Leave me a comment!

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Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.

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