Before I know, one year of COVID-19 outbreak has passed, what has changed in my life?

Throughout the last year, many things have been happening. I’m going to underscore some outcomes and downsides of this pandemic time.


  1. Working from home: it’s fantastic working from home. I save time and my work is more effective as I’m not disturbed by small talk or interruptions.
  2. Time for learning. As I’ve optimized my time working from home, now I have more time to learn what I want to. So, this time I could sharpen my English skills, and learn more about some areas of interest like: stock market, playing chess, self-development, and psychology.
  3. Eating less and better: It seems a bit counterintuitive, but working from home I eat less than I used to eat when I was going to my office. First, because I don’t need to pack my lunch, it means that when I was used to bringing with me my lunch and snacks to eat throughout the day, and everything I added to my packed I used to eat it. Second, because I ate fresh food. I used to cook one day and eat the same food over the course of the week. Now I can eat fresh food every day.
  4. Private gym. I’d never thought to workout at home. In the beginning of the pandemic outbreak, my exercise routine was a mess. I didn’t know what to do. The first couple of days I followed videos on YouTube, then talking to a friend who recommended the fit plan app, I used it for 30 days (free trial). It was pretty good. Then I asked my husband to make some homemade weights for me. He made it using some cans of different sizes, sand, and cement. It was the best thing ever I could do. Because after about two months of working out with my homemade weights I was sure that I was capable of keeping the workout routine at home. So, after that, I made an investment and bought some professional equipment like plates, dumbbells, ankle weights, bars, and so on. Since then, I’ve been exercising daily at home. Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll return to the gym anymore. I love to exercise at home. It’s so convenient.
  5. Less stress: I don’t need to stress out in a traffic jam. I don’t need to clock in and clock out from my work (it sucks, really), I don’t need to go to the supermarket at the end of a tiring day of work and on the same day cook much food for the whole week.
  6. Saving money: as I don’t need to go to the workplace I don’t spend money on fuel.😅 I also save money from eating outside. Even though I’m used to bringing my lunch to work, but once in a while I used to have lunch out with friends. Another key point here to make me save money is I don’t feel like buying clothes, as I don’t need to work outside. By the same token, with cosmetics and perfumes.


  1. Human body connection. As I didn’t go to my workplace or gym I didn’t interact with people in person, share experiences, laugh and support each other. I miss catching up with workers and some students and friends. I missed that daily exchange of experiences. It seems like people in our lives have drifted away.
  2. Lack of vanity. As I’m at home 24/7, I don’t feel like looking good. I miss dressing well and wearing imported perfume. To look beautiful. haha 😆

Given all this, I can say that against all the odds, I could make the most of it.

If someone asked me in the middle of 2020: “Would you like to come back to work in person?” I was incapable of replying to this question. But today, yes, I’m pretty convinced that I’m better off working from home.

How about you? I’d love to hear from you. What are the outcomes and downsides of this COVID times? Let me a comment below.

Thank you for reading.

See you next time.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.


  1. Awesome article! I totally agree with the advantages or disadvantages of the outbreak. I would like to add something in the list.
    I have more time for myself and family in the pandemic. I bought for my son a chess and we will learn how to play it together. Let’s share experience :))
    No more talking with foreigners in person to practice English is one of the drawbacks. Before that, I used to chat with and guide them around the Old Quarter in my city. I miss it a lot

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