Sobre mim

This post is also available in: Inglês

Meu nome é Shirley Gomes, nascida no Brasil – uma corredora, blogueira a apaixonada por aprender coisas novas.

Meu primeiro Blog foi lançado em março de 2014, chama-se  Dicas de Viagens Baratas.

It’s been a long time since I first had the idea of writing a blog to share my thoughts. I know that some tips can help others around me.

As I’m an English learner, I thought: “why not writing my personal blog in English?” This way I kill two birds with one stone:  learn English and help people!

When I was young, I didn’t like English. In fact, I can say that I hated English. I couldn’t understand why, but that is the truth. However, maturity came and I needed English for my Master’s degree admission.

Actually, I wasn’t admitted to that Master’s degree, but on the other hand, I fell in love with the English.

In the beginning, I was intending to understand texts, to get enough skills to my test, but not for my life.  Then I wanted to understand the videos on Youtube, TEDTalks, TV series, podcasts, and so on… After that, I started, little by little, to speak English. Now I’m here to practice my writing and improve my English skills!

This beautiful English journey started on July 30, 2015. I’ve studied by myself, and since August 2017, I began to have classes in a traditional English course.

So… if you want to follow me on this journey, come onboard!