What do you do with your Basic Anki Cards? I bet you do like many people, you add learning words in the front and their meaning in the back, don’t you?

No worries, you’re not alone! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Today I’m going to show you how to make your lame basic Anki cards more attractive to learn English.

A basic type of card is nothing more than a common flashcard with its front and back. Usually, in the front, you have a sentence with the word you’re learning. And, in the back, you have the meaning of that word.

But, how to make these simple and boring flashcards more appealing?

Here’s the answer! ๐Ÿ˜

Empty letters to fill in

Quiz yourself by adding “underlines” for each letter of the word you’re trying to guess. These “underlines” replace letters in the word you want to learn in the sentence. To make it more practical, give yourself a hint by adding the meaning of the “hidden” word (I’m used to using the equals sign “=” before the meaning).

For example:

(Front card)

(Back card)

Empty spaces to fill in

You can add a line to replace the word you’re learning. To make it more attractive you can also add a gift/picture to help you and a tip

For example: (Front card)


(Back card) He saw the police coming up behind him and pulled over

Questions and pictures

One picture is worth a thousand words. ๐Ÿ™‚

This type of card is good for boosting your vocabulary. Imagine how many types of pans and utensils are in the kitchen; types of hair; buttons and tools inside a car. So, you can learn a lot by adding questions and pictures to your basic Anki cards.

For example: (Front card)


(Back card) Pimple

Questions and empty letters/spaces

I like adding questions and empty spaces to cards that I want to add those learning words to my active vocabulary. Those words that I’ve tried to use in a conversation, but I blank them.

So, you should add questions and give a hint through empty letters/space to fill in.

For example:(Front card)


(Back card) tight

I’ve written a couple of articles about how to learn English with Anki. You might be interested in:

I’d love to hear from you. Please let me in the comments below which of these dynamic ways you’re going to use next time you add a basic Anki card.

If you have a friend who’s also learning English or any other language feel free to share this link with them.

Happy learning.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.

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